inheritance structure造句

"inheritance structure"是什么意思   


  1. Control , explaining its type hierarchy and inheritance structure
  2. Such object - oriented tool support makes the inheritance structure of a system explicit
  3. Wxpython has a greater emphasis on inheritance structure than do most of the other toolkits , and it uses " events " rather than callbacks
    Wxpython对继承结构的关注程度高于大多数其它工具箱,而且它使用“事件” ,而不是回调。
  4. Just as objects provide a language mechanism to cleanly capture inheritance structures , aop enables the same benefits of good modularity for crosscutting concerns
    与对象提供了一种能够清楚地捕获继承结构的语言机制类似, aop也为横切问题的良好模块化提供了同样的好处。
  5. It supports the standard create , retrieve , update , and delete operations , and it also supports cardinality constraints , complex relationships and inheritance structures , containment definitions , and a suite of attribute descriptions
  6. It's difficult to find inheritance structure in a sentence. 用inheritance structure造句挺难的


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  7. "inheritance tax"造句
  8. "inheritance tax law"造句
  9. "inheritance taxes"造句
  10. "inheritance traits"造句

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